The Goldberry Books Podcast & Newsletter
The Goldberry Books Podcast
David McCloskey Shares His Favorite Spy Novels

David McCloskey Shares His Favorite Spy Novels

David McCloskey knows spy fiction. Having been a CIA analyst in a former life, he knows what makes a spy novel realistic and as a novelist he knows what makes the drama work. His 2021 novel, Damascus Station, is one of my favorite books of recent vintage precisely because it blends the two so beautifully. So on this episode of Bibliography, McCloskey joined the show to discuss some of his favorite books in the genre—new and old—as well as several other books that have defined his reading life over the years. Careful: You’re TBR list is about to get longer.

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The Goldberry Books Podcast & Newsletter
The Goldberry Books Podcast
Present by the team behind Goldberry Books, an indie bookshop in Concord, NC, the Goldberry Books podcast features conversations about topics of a bookish bent, from interviews with authors to discussions about notable happenings in the world of publishing, and much more.